5 Things to Know about IBMS Congress 2019


    1. IBMS Congress is the Institute of Biomedical Science (IBMS) flagship event for IBMS members although non-members can still attend but at a non-reduced rate. 
    2. It is UK’s largest biomedical Science conference and exhibition dedicated to human diagnostics and Biomedical Science.
    3. With 14 streams covering 10 disciplines ranging from cellular pathology and cytopathology to laboratory management, this biannual event draws a huge audience from across the UK. 
      Nigerian Delegation to IBMS Congress 2019. Photo credit: Deacon Oni Nelson
    4. This year event reflected on the growth of point-of-care testing by devoting a whole day lecture programme to the subject. It also featured the first-ever veterinary biomedical science programme that appealed to everyone – not just those working in veterinary laboratories. 
    5. IBMS Congress 2019 held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Birmingham starting from Sunday 22 September and to end 25 September.
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