AMLSN President Easter Felicitations




Distinguished Elders and Colleagues,


“He is risen” is the popular proclamation of Easter, rekindling hope in hopelessness and redemption for mankind.


During this auspicious moment, I bring you the greetings, felicitations and goodwill of my family and indeed the NEOs.


It is my firm belief that we shall continue to navigate forward despite the shadows of challenges and obstacles on our path.


I encourage us to have faith in God and our brotherhood and that because christ is risen, we shall not be let down.


I implore us to continue to pray for our noble Association, the council and also our dear nation. Let us remain united, resolute and purposeful and see how much mileage we shall cover together.


Best regards always and happy Easter to you all.



Prof. Garba James Damen

AMLSN, National President


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