Society for Cellular Pathology Scientists of Nigeria 6th Scientific Conference/AGM Communique



Communiqué Issued At The End Of The 6th Annual Scientific Conference / AGM of The Society for Cellular Pathology Scientists of Nigeria ( SCPSN).


The Society for Cellular Pathology Scientists of Nigeria (SCPSN) held her annual scientific conference and workshop at Emerald energy Institute, Port Harcourt from October 12-16, 2021.



The Practice Of Gastrointestinal Pathology In Nigeria; Separating The Wheat From The Weeds



Conference objectives

  1. To expose members To Sound knowledge of gastric pathology and diagnostic pitfalls
  2. To review the basic histology of the Gastro intestinal tract laying emphasis on differential peculiarities of parts of the GIT
  3. Establish the role of human microbiome in tumorigenesis
  4.  Open doors for real time mentorship to young professionals
  5. To create awareness on gastric cancers and current challenges in its diagnoses
  6. To project the image of the society through enhanced cooperation with relevant bodies associated with the outlook of the society for overall patient care.



Opening ceremony

The opening ceremony was graced by men and women of timber and caliber among whom are: Vice Chancellor, Rivers State University, Prof. Okogbule ably represented by Prof. Kalada Korubo, Dean Faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences Rivers State University, Prof. G.N. Wokem, HOD MLS Dept. RSU, Port Harcourt, Dr. Mrs. Jane Obi Thomas, Chairman, AMLSN Rivers State Branch and Prof. No Won Park, an international Cytology expert from South Korea.


Key note address

  • The keynote address lecture was delivered by By Dr. N.A.Awolola.(MBBS (IB) Fmcpath.
    Honorary Consultant, Anatomic and Molecular Pathology Department Lagos State University Teaching Hospital.



Observations and Discussions

  1. Conference congratulated the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, General Muhammadu Buhari on the successful management and curtailment of Delta variant of Covid-19 pandemic in Nigeria.
  2. Conference observed the dearth of Histoscientists and CytoScientists in Nigeria and the increasing exit of young professionals to US and Europe for greener pastures which has further depleted the ranks of human resources available for cancer diagnosis in Nigeria.
  3. Conference observed the deliberate relegation of laboratory based cancer screening to the background in Nigeria who has been made to depend on non specific screening by non professionals making early detection of cancer difficult in the country.
  4. Conference observed the pivotal role of HistoScientists and Cytology Scientists in cancer diagnosis in Nigeria but with limited funding by health managers and government agencies.
  5. Conference observed the important and complementary roles of Histology Scientists/ Cytologists, Pathologists and Gastro- Enterologists in gastric cancer diagnosis.
  6. Conference observed the role of microorganisms in gastric cancer tumourigenesis and how to manage the risk.
  7. Conference appreciated the level of expertise and knowledge required to successfully practice as a Histologists and Cytologist in Nigeria.
  8. Conference observed the need for sustained training and international certification of Nigerian Cytologists expected to bridge the knowledge and service gaps in cancer diagnoses.
  9. Conference was appalled at the low funding of immunohistochemical services in government hospitals thus denying patients access to quality diagnosis and better treatment options.




  1. Conference recommended that the Federal government continue with the commendable steps being taken to effectively control the health and economic effects of the Corona virus pandemic. The public was also urged to comply with all non pharmaceutical and vaccination measures put in place by government.
  2. Conference tasked the government of Nigeria to formulate policies that will motivate young students in Nigeria studying Medical Laboratory Science to specialize in Histology/Cytology so as to address the shortage of human resources in cancer diagnoses.
  3. Conference urged the Federal Ministry of Health to establish laboratory infrastructures for cancer screening and diagnoses in Nigeria to cover primary healthcare, Secondary Health facilities and Tertiary health Institutions.
  4. Conference tasked management of government hospitals to improve budgetary allocation and funding for Histology and Cytology Laboratories nationwide for provision modern, automated equipments and consumables for effective laboratory based screening and diagnosis of cancers in Nigeria.
  5. Conference tasked HistoScientists and Cytologists in Nigeria to sustain their top quality services amidst limited resources and continue in their excellent quest for continuous professional development they are well known for.
  6. Conference called on citizens to chose high fibre based diets with whole grains to reduce their risk exposure to gastrointestinal cancers.
  7. Conference called on the review of curriculum for the training of Medical Laboratory Scientists to reflect current realities in advanced histopathological and cytopathological diagnoses.
  8. Conference urged government to support the Society for Cellular Pathology Scientists of Nigeria in her effort to increase the number of internationally certified Cytologists in Nigeria.
  9. Conference recommended routine IHC services in Tertiary Health Institutions and Establishment of Regional Centres of Excellence in IHC services. This is expected to expand financing for diagnostic services and offer better treatment options for patients through definitive diagnosis.
  10. Conference immensely thanked the Rivers State government, Management of Rivers State University, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital and sponsors of this years conference especially DCL Laboratory products limited and Everight Diagnostic Limited.
  11. Election of New Executives: New national executives were elected to lead the Society in the next four years
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