Nigerian Medical Lab. Scientist Emerges Overall Best at UK University

Nwamaka Eze

A Nigerian Medical Laboratory Scientist Sct. Nwamaka Eze shone like the stars at the recent graduation ceremony of the Warwick Medical School, Coventry, UK as she emerged the overall best in her class.

She achieved an overall mark in the School’s Masters of Public Health Programme.

Sct. Nwamaka Eze graduated with a first-class degree in Medical Laboratory Science from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2016.

Nwamaka Eze

In 2017 she undertook her statutory one-year internship at Chevron Nigeria limited Hospital Lagos.

She was offered a Commonwealth Scholarship in 2018 for a Masters degree in Public Health programme at Warwick Medical School, Conventry, United Kingdom where she emerged best in her class.

 Big congratulations from all of us at

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