Timetable for Assoc. of Medical Lab. Scientists of Nigeria Nat’l Elections


    The Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria National Electoral Commission (ANEC) recently released the time table for the conduct of this year’s National election for the Association.

    See it below.
    S/N Activity Date Responsible Person
    1 Notification/Release of Electoral Guidelines 14/09/2020 ANEC
    2 Collection of Forms by Aspirants 17/09/20 – 16/10/20 ANEC
    3 Last Day for Submission of Completed Forms 17/10/2020 ANEC
    4 Submission of Nominal Rolls of Financially Up-To-Date Members 6/10/2020 Branch Chairmen, AMLSN National & MLSCN
    5 Screening of Aspirants` Forms by ANEC 24/10/2020 ANEC
    6 Arrival of ANEC Team Members 10/11/2020 ANEC
    7 Screening of Aspirants Physically 11/11/2020 ANEC
    8 Last Day of Withdrawal 13/11/2020 by 9pm Contestant(s)
    9 Publication and Display of Eligible Aspirants 13/11/2020 ANEC
    10 Hearing of Complaints from Disqualified Aspirants 14/11/2020
    11 Screening of Delegates 15/11/2020-16/11/2020 ANEC
    12 End of Campaign Activities 15/11/2020 -11.59pm ANEC/Contestants
    13 Dissolution of Standing Committees & NEO 16/11/2020 NP
    14 Triennial Delegates Meeting 16/11/2020 ANEC
    • Arrival / Accreditation of Delegates All accredited delegates
    • Introduction of ANEC Team ANEC Chairman
    • Introduction of Contestants & their Posts ANEC secretary
    • Manifesto Presentation by Contestants ANEC
    • Actual Voting ANEC
    Phases of Election ANEC
    • Phase 1- President/Other NEOs ANEC
    • Phase 2-NVP1 and National Secretary ANEC
    • Phase3-NPV2
    • End of Voting Process ANEC
    Counting of Votes ANEC
    • Result Declaration ANEC
    • Closing Remarks by ANEC Chairman ANEC
    • Swearing-In of the New NEO Legal jurist
    • Acceptance Speech of the New National President New NP
    15 Departure ALL

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