MLSCN Licence Renewal 2022: is AMLSN Nat’l Dues required?
I made a post the other day about the summary of the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria (MLSCN) Licence Renewal 2022 (click here to read it).
However, I did not take into cognizance the fact that there has been some recent development in the payment of the Annual Practicing license renewal.
You may recall that last year and years ago, to renew your Practicing licence, it is a requirement that you must be in good standing with not only MLSCN but Association of Medical Laboratory Science of Nigeria (AMLSN) as well.
That explains why in those years, to renew your Annual Practicing licence you are asked to submit your AMLSN National Dues receipt in addition to the MLSCN Annual Practicing Fees receipt to Council.
Nonetheless, the latest now is that AMLSN National Dues is not a prerequisite for MLSCN Licence Renewal 2022.
That in other words does not invariably imply that as patriotic Medical Laboratory Scientists who want the best for our Association and profession we should not pay our AMLSN National Dues.
It only means that it is not a requirement for us to renew our practicing licence.

This was contained in a memo issued by the Office of the Acting Director Practitioners’ Regulation and Discipline on the 22nd December 2021 entitled ‘EXTRACT FROM GOVERNING BOARD OF COUNCIL MEETING WITH RESPECT TO PRD’
It reads:
Arising from the Governing Board’s meeting it was decided that MLSCN will no longer support MLSCN AMLSN Chapter in its verification of the financial standing of its practitioners to avoid being overburdened by numerous litigations.
It was also decided that MLSCN should forthwith cease collection of AMSLN dues with respect to issuance of licence.
With this from the 9th of December, 2021 issuance of licence will be strictly based on payment of APF, BULLETIN, and CPD.
Gregory Uchuno
Ag. DirectorP
ractitioners’ Regulation and Discipline
For: Registrar/CEO