Lagos Med Lab Scientists release Election Timetable (See here)


Lagos State Branch of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN) has released a timetable for the conduct of election.

This is following the tenure expiration of the current serving State Executive Officers.

The election will usher in a fresh crop of State Executive Officers that will pilot and midwife the affairs of the Branch for a 3 years tenure.


According to the timetable published by Akintibu Siyanbade, Secretary Lagos State AMLSN  Electoral Committee (ABEC) 2022 referenced ‘ LAGABEC/2022’ election and swearing-in holds on the 24th November 2022.


See the timetable below:

[table id=10 /]


Yours sincerely wishes AMLSN Lagos State Branch a smooth transition process.

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