AMLSN UITH CPD Workshop Presentations (Download)

If you missed the CPD Workshop organized by the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN) University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH) Chapter, then you shouldn’t miss the presentations delivered by different Resource Persons on different topics at the Workshop.

We are glad to bring to you some of the  presentations of the 2-in-1 CPD workshop which had its theme  as ‘Implementation of Quality Management Systems in Medical Laboratories: Challenges and Prospects‘ and held between 3rd to 7th of February 2020.

We hope you’ll find the presentations interesting, educative and enriching.

Click on the topics to view and download any of them.

  1. Funding Options for implementing Quality Management system in public health laboratory by Oyebimpe Racheal Balogun, AMLSCN, FIBMS, MPH, Program Manager, Institute of Human Virology Nigeria
  2. Implementation of Quality Management system in Clinical/Medical Laboratory: Prospects and Challenges by Oyebimpe Racheal Balogun, AMLSCN, FIBMS, MPH, Program Manager Institute of Human Virology Nigeria
  3. Leadership & Commitment: Essential Tools for Achieving Quality in Clinical  Laboratories by Dr Kehinde Olatunde PhD (Public health), MSc, AMLSCN
  4. Reducing the Burden of Hospital-Donalded Infections : the Roles of Medical Laboratories By Omosigho Omoruyi Pius Ph.D
  5. Roadmap to attaining ISO 15189 accreditation of medical laboratories in tertiary health institutions in Nigeria by Dr. Donald Ofili, PhD, FMLSCN, AG. Director, MLSCN Accreditation Service


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