UCTH AMLSN loses Treasurer to the Cold hands of Death


Members of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN) University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) chapter have been thrown into mourning following the death of her Chapter Treasurer.


Sct. Mrs. LInda Ojikpong (Nee Linda Okorafor) who until her passing away was a staff of the mycology unit of microbiology department of UCTH Calabar died following a brief illness.


A statement from the Chapter leadership states:

It’s with the deepest sense of sorrow and pain in my heart, I announce the passing away to eternity of my calmest and meticulous treasurer of AMLSN UCTH Calabar chapter, Sct. Mrs. LInda Ojikpong (Nee Linda Okorafor) of the mycology unit of microbiology department of UCTH Calabar after a brief illness.

It’s unbelievable that one of our finest is no more. Let’s console and pray for her family for God’s fortitude to bear this colossal loss.

Further directives shall be given after consultation of her family. May her truly Gentle and Honest soul find repose with the Lord God Almighty. Amen

Read more:

  1. Communique issued at the end of AMLSN 17th PHL & 207th NEC
  2. AMLSN National Wades Into Medical Lab. Scientists & UCTH Crisis (Read Press Release)
  3. UCTH Scientists & Doctors Clash: 3 Reasons Why Panel of Enquiry Outcome will be bias
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