MLSCN Registrar’s New Year Advice To Medical Lab. Science Practitioners (See it)


The Ag Registrar/CEO MLSCN, Sir Tosan Erhabor has this few words of advice to Medical Laboratory Scientists and Technicians alike who want to excel unprecedentedly in their professional life this unfolding new year.

  1. Medical Laboratory Science practitioners should continue to uphold the tenets of the profession and sustain the culture of excellence through continuous professional development. 
  2. Young Medical Laboratory Scientists should embrace mentorship and strive through hardwork to create a professional niche for themselves. 

Wishing all members of the MLS family a prosperous new year.

Culled from the report of AMLSN Edo State Executive Council visit to the Ag Registrar/CEO MLSCN, Sir Tosan Erhabor in his country home by chapter Chairman

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