YMLSF holds Webinar today (See how to join)



The second edition in the series of monthly webinars organized by the Young Medical Laboratory Scientists Forum (YMLSF) will be held today.


The series of webinars entitled ‘ the refined Medical Laboratory Scientist’ has its topic as how to write a quality CV (Resume) to attract good employment opportunities.


Speaker: MLS. Nonye Umahi


Moderator: Nasiba Sani Babale


Date: Today, Saturday, October 2, 2021


Time: 8. PM


Zoom Link  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84687743962?pwd=TWdPUHJEZzh3Sjl6bGthTXVYZkJVUT09


Meeting ID: 846 8774 3962

Passcode: 932623


Don’t miss it

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