Sokoto Journal Of Medical Lab. Science Calls For Papers


 Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science invites you to contribute a paper for possible publication in her upcoming issue Volume 3 Issue 1 of Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science scheduled for March, 2018.

Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science is a quarterly International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal which publishes high-quality articles in all areas of Medical Laboratory Science, Medicine and Medical Sciences.

ALSO READ: Dowload the Inaugural Edition of Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science 

You are welcome to submit original research papers, reviews, case reports, short commentaries, letters and mini reviews in all the areas related to Medical Laboratory Science, Medicine and Allied Medical Sciences.

ALSO READ: The Aims and Objective of Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science 

Our experienced article reviewers are committed to a fast but detailed review process to facilitate a faster dissemination of knowledge.
Send manuscript(s) as MS word attachment to the editorial office via email at:

ALSO READ: How to reference a material published in a book and in a journal. 

Article processing fee is N15,000.

We look forward to your anticipated prompt attention.

Prof. Osaro Erhabor (Editor-In-Chief)

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