The Real Supporters of AMLSN

Solomon Chollom

The real supporters of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN) are not just supporters of people in leadership positions.

They are more of supporters of the institution of AMLSN. Leaders will come and go but the institution will remain. If your support is only for people in leadership, you will sure have undulating loyalty. Support the institution and you will have no issues supporting what constitutes the institution.
They are not supporters of national leadership alone, they are first supporters of chapter and branch leadership. Members who oppose chapter and branch leadership and activities with charged biceps only to come to national platforms with admonitions of support for NEOs are out on a mission.
They do not build chapters and branches that are islands. They work hard to integrate their units into the main body. Chapters who will undermine branch leaders are islands. Similarly, branches who will undermine national leaders are breakaways. Our oneness is in our wholeness!
Lastly, National leaders must deliberately strengthen the leadership structure of Amlsn at branch and chapter levels if they wish to strengthen the institution of AMLSN. They should give due recognition, respect and regard to branch leadership who in turn gives same to chapter leadership.
Members who would not attend meetings, pay dues or attend workshops at branch and chapter levels but admonish people on national platforms to do this at national level have explanations to give.
I am for holistic support of AMLSN institution and leadership at all levels .
*Solomon Chollom is the Chairman of AMLSN National Veterinary Research Institute (NVRI) Vom, and State Publicity Secretary, AMLSN, Plateau State Branch.
He is a poet, a life and leadership coach and a consummate researcher. He blogs at
*Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are purely those of the author.
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