Opinion: Some BEB’s Achievements as AMLSN 13th National President By Sunday Ejemete


In this opinion piece, Sunday Ejemete, a Medical Laboratory Scientist itemize some of the achievements of the immediate past National President of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria (AMLSN) Dr. Bassey E. Bassey. Read below

By Sunday Ejemete
1. Restructured AMLSN Conference, introducing online registration & timely reports.
2. Reduced the conference fee from between 14k & 20k to 5k.
3. Paid up all outstanding bills & debts relating to the WAPCMLS, leading to the commencement of the College.
4. Set up standing Committees and mobilized all of them to conduct take-off meetings and empowered them to commence activities.
5. Took over and funded all cases concerning AMLSN from Chapters and Branches.
6. Provided medical (several sick member received assistance), social (elderly membes got financial support) and political (funds provided for political actualization) welfare to members directly from National account.
7. Paid up all the debts owed by AMLSN at the CAC since 1992.
8. Properly deposited the Association’s Constitution at the CAC after the last one done in 1993.
9. Introduced free registration of members and created AMLSN database of registered members.
10. Introduced online payment for AMLSN membership dues, allowing members to pay at their convenience.
11. Reduced cumulative AMLSN dues from between 32k & 38k to 18k.
12. Resuscitated the Board of Fellows (BOF).
13. Developed more than 21 memos, each between 7 & 79 pages, for the purpose of engaging government and other relevant authorities.
14. Ensured that the National Secretariat building in Abuja progressed from about 15% to greater than 70% completion (from 1st slab to plastering, awaiting windows, doors and tiles). Note that the windows, doors & tiles have been ordered and awaiting delivery.
15. Organised & executed the first ever training for MLS in directorate cadre. The 2nd tranch had been perfected but for the covid-19 pandemic.
16. Issued the certificate of recognition to the YMLSF subgroup and has been supporting the Forum’s Summit financially.
17. Provided support and funding for international training of histoscientists.
19. Provided, for the first time, platform for subgroups  (GMLD, AFMLSN & YMLSF) to meet with AMLSN at Annual Conference.
20. First AMLSN-organized and funded retreat for MLSCN Board members.
21. Executive AMLSN Diary & Calender for image projection and advocacy.
22. Saved AMLSN from financial embarrassment by paying monies for which the Association had been dragged to court in relation to the 2017 ASC/AGM in Kaduna.
23. Dedicated PHL (Lagos, Feb. 2020) for the empowerment of members, especially the Young.
24. Effectively prevented the sureptitous and malicious attempt to temper with and ammend Act 11 of 2003, law establishing MLSCN, thereby saving MLS from extinction.
25. Produced first ever 2nd Deputy President of APBN to be Med Lab Scientist.
26. Encouraged and supported the creation of the Frontline Health Workers Fund to robustly cater for the welfare and insurance of key Health Workers (Med Lab Scientists) in the fight against health emergencies, such as Covid-19.
27. Ensured that AMLSN produced the  Vice President and PRO of NUAHP in its last National election, which held in Nasarawa State.
28. WHO WINS tool deployed to evaluate the staffing of over 500 laboratories nationwide towards ascertaining the employment needs of the facilities.
Disclaimer: the views expressed are those of the author and it no means reflect those of this blog.
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